Some guys will try to play on a girl's emotions and fish for a pity hug or some other type of contact. If she wants to hug you, she'll hug you. Don't make her feel like she has to.
2) Overly dramatic gestures early in a relationship.
If you do something huge after only dating for a week or two (say, getting a tattoo of her name on your arm), you're going to freak her out. It's not romantic, it's just creepy.
3) Looking at pictures of ex-girlfriends while with your new girlfriend.
Don't thumb through your phone or social media pages, staring at pictures of your exes in front of her. That's just not acceptable
4) Guys who read too much into simple gestures.
Sometimes, a girl will just say hello or make small talk to be nice. That doesn't mean she wants to date you.
5) Bragging that you're a "nice guy."
Truly nice guys don't brag about how nice they are. When a guy goes on and on about how nice he is, deep down he's really a jerk.
6) Getting overly clingy.
If you're constantly texting a girl when she's out with her friends, that's going to send her running. It's not cute, it's just annoying.
7) Being super vain.
If you're constantly bragging about how hot you are or how many girls check you out, you're going to turn her off. No one wants to listen to that.
8) Using disrespectful language towards other women.
If you're disparaging other women, she's not going to be happy. No girl wants to date a total misogynist.
9) Telling a girl you don't like her.
If you're interested in a girl, but you repeatedly look to put her down or tell her how much you don't like her, your reverse psychology won't work. It'll just make a girl angry.
10) Getting overly jealous for no reason.
If you're a guy who gets furious if another man so much as looks at your girlfriend, she's going to leave. Jealously isn't cute at all.
11) Talking about crazy ex- girl friends.
Girls hate being called "crazy," and they hate listening to guys complain about crazy ex- girl friends. Even if your ex was completely nuts, just keep that fact to yourself.
12) Getting too sentimental about every little thing.
If you're saving every little piece of candy she gives you or celebrate anniversaries of very minor events, girls won't find it sweet, she'll just find it creepy. Some sentimentality is fine, but use is sparingly
13) Getting inappropriate in front of family.
There's a time and a place for sexy language or sexy touching. That time is not around her family.
14) Not taking "no" for an answer.
A little persistence is a good thing. But if she's clearly uncomfortable, it's time to just move on.
15) Being bad with money.
If a guy still relies on his parents for money, or if he can't seem to handle his cash, women will run. That's a serious sign of immaturity.