The heart is one of the most important organs in the body, as it is responsible for the pumping of blood and delivering all the nutrients your body needs in order to function correctly.
Nevertheless, some of our habits take their toll on our hearts and we do not realize it until it's too late.
Below are seven habits that you never knew destroys the heart.
1. Increased Alcohol Consumption: Having a drink every once in a while will not have a major impact on your heart (especially if you consume wine which has a series of health benefit benefits), but if you consume alcohol regularly, then your heart will suffer on the long run.
In addition to the devastating effects of alcohol on your liver, it can also harm your bones, affect your memory and it considerably increases the risk of heart diseases along with the risk of hypertension.
2. Eating Too Much Salt: Food is tasteless without a pinch of salt, and that is a known fact. However, many of us overuse this ingredient, and that puts us at risk for high blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke; therefore yo might want to think twice before adding extra salt to your meals.
3. Lack Of Exercise: The lack of exercise is another underlying cause of heart disease, not to mention that people who do not do regular physical exercises ar prone to develop type 2 diabetes as well. The less we exercise, the more likely we are to gain weight, and extra pounds are known as to destroy the heart slowly but surely.
4. Leaving Your Depression and Anxiety Untreated:Anxiety, depression and stress can have a tremendous impact on your heart. However if these issues are addressed in real time, their effects can be minimized. On the other hand, if left untreated they lower your immunity and energy levels, decrease your appetite and also have an impact on your nervous system.
5. Comfort Eating: It often happens that we eat even when we are not hungry and the main problem is that we eat unhealthy food ls like Sugary products, high fat products and foods rich in salt.
6. Smoking: Smoking is a silent killer. Statistics reveal that smoking is responsible for approximately 30% ofbth deaths related to heart disease and also a high risk factor of cancer.
7. Lack Of Sleep: For a healthy heart, adults should get around 7-8 hours of sleeper night. Lack of sleep can cause sleep deprivation, hormonal imbalances, confusion and also raises stress hormone.
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